
Remote Work, Home Office in the light of COVID19 or Corona


Yves Sandfort

Yves Sandfort

First of for now we are more than happy that all of us in comdivision and in our families are safe and accounted for. We hope this applies to yourself and your loved ones as well. Similar to many others I have been monitoring the situation and have been in constant exchange with our medical advisor, analysts and other managers on how to deal with the situation.Sadly what a lot of us prepared for became a reality… But also much earlier than what I hoped for… The last week went fast from peliminary measures to a more dramatic situation which is still evolving.

Let's keep medical and physical impact to those which do this on a daily basis… I want to take this post to talk a bit about how we prepared, what we now do and what we expect to happen.

How do we work

As you might know comdivision is a group of highly specialised architects, consultants and trainers enabling customers all around the globe. For us travel is a given, we have been, I for myself was travelling the globe in January and February intensively while the situation evolved. However we also are fully setup to work remote, as our primary team is setup in Germany, Austria and Belgium. Most of our data and systems can be consumed from the cloud, from phone over any kind of compute services. Even our on-premises datacenter is setup in a redundant and grid independent fashion.

How did we prepare last week

We understood already a few weeks ago, that projects and engagements have to be moved most likely to remote engagements, whether it was architecture, consulting and or training. Many of our customers are well prepared and so it will be just a different way to work, clearly some engagements are postponed.

How do we help

We have emergency teams in place for our customers to help with setup, operation and maintenance of remote / home office setups. Plus the ability to quickly divert/shift customers into the cloud, being it VMware Cloud on AWS, leverage some of the other 4000+ VMware cloud providers or even our own datacenter capacities. When time allows we use this also to provide assistance for net new customers and partners, like we did with a few in the last few days and even this weekend. The focus is to ensure business continuity and not to squeeze the extra euro out of each engagement.

Let's get thru this together and get out of this healthy and stronger than ever before…





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